Union Staff Update

BURLESON, TEX. – Kristina Pascual Busch, associate communication director for the Southwestern Union and managing editor of the Record has accepted a call to Texas Health Huguley Fort Worth South, a member of the AdventHealth system, as their communication manager. She will begin in her new role on January 4, 2021.
In her new role she will focus on collaborating with hospital leadership to develop communication strategies for internal and external audiences in order to...Share the good news about what the hospital is doing....and extend the healing minstry of Christ to the community.
Kristina joined the communication department in 2016 and played a pivotal role in bringing award-winning innovation and prayerful guidance to the management of the Record magazine and its channels. While we will miss her in the office, we know that God has brought her to this new position, which she will aptly fulfill with her signature professionalism and expertise.
By Jessica Lozano, Communication
Director and Record Editor