Arkansas-Louisiana Conference Constituency Session

The 36th Constituency Session of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference was held in Texarkana, Tex., on Oct. 27, 2024. Delegates gathered to elect conference officers and directors for the next four-year term and to make changes to the conference’s constitution and bylaws.
The day began with a devotional by Southwestern Union President Carlos Craig. “Now, I want to remind you of something this morning,” Craig said. “What we do today is important, but what is more important is that we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that is dying around us.”
The business session followed as the meeting was called to order with a quorum of 333 delegates present.
Nine new congregations joined the sisterhood of churches: Marshallese Group; Jasper, AR Group; All Nations Group; East Baton Rouge Spanish Company (formerly All Nations Group); Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Church; Gentry Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church; Bossier City Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church (formerly Shreveport Spanish); North Fort Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church; and Westbank Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, organized from Oct. 21, 2021, to Oct. 23, 2023. Three churches were dissolved: Havana Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gentry Home Group and New Orleans East Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Administration reports were presented from the offices of the president, secretary and treasurer.
Craig introduced the nominating committee report to the delegates, and the following positions were confirmed: Officers: president, Jeff Villegas; secretary, Ross Harris; treasurer, Rodney Dyke. Departmental directors: planned giving/trust services, Marjorie Downs; communication, Frances Alcorn; education, Timothy Kripps; ministerial, Rodolfo Alvir; youth ministries, David Craig. Other positions, some of which necessitated reviews of funding parameters, were referred to the incoming executive committee.
Retiring workers were honored, including pastors David Farmer, Burnham Rand and Ramino Alvarez; teachers, Joyce Fortner, Jan Ray and Belinda Ennes; and office employees, Carol Driver, Rebecca Burton and Stephen Burton. In addition, deceased pastor Ron Patterson, who passed away from COVID during the pandemic, was also honored.
A round of applause was given for former conference president Richard C. Dye, Sr., for his years of service.
Michael Merrifield from the General Conference Auditing Service presented the auditor’s report.
Significant changes were made to the constitution and bylaws to add missing critical elements to the documents. The amendments did not alter the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs or practices but were designed to clarify current business practices and protocols regarding operating relationships, officer duties, constituency sessions and committee functions.
After a motion and vote to adjourn, the constituency session concluded with prayer.