Cowboy and Biker Camp Inspires Faith and Community

As a New Yorker, my first trip to Cowboy and Biker Camp was a transformative experience that left a lasting impression on my heart and soul. Arriving at Lone Star Camp, I was greeted by a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique stories and backgrounds. What struck me most was the common thread that bound us all together: our shared faith in Jesus Christ. It was inspiring to witness how people from all walks of life had found their way back to Christ, and many were actively engaged in ministries that spread His love throughout the community.
During my time at Cowboy and Biker Camp, I learned about the powerful outreach efforts that some attendees had initiated. Some had offered rides to individuals leaving bars to prevent DUI incidents, demonstrating a tangible expression of love and care for their neighbors. Others shared incredible stories of how they had reached out to biker gang members, helping them find redemption and purpose in their lives. This commitment to serving others was evident in every conversation and every act of kindness I encountered throughout the weekend.

One of the most impactful moments of my stay was when we participated in a community outreach event at the local hospital. We gathered to pray for the sick, distribute literature about Christ and offer support to those in need. The experience was humbling and reminded me of the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities. It was a beautiful embodiment of faith in action.
In addition to our outreach efforts, the weekend included a fun-filled rodeo featuring an array of horse activities for children, bringing joy and laughter to families. This was followed by exhilarating water sports, including canoeing and a fishing tournament. The friendly competition to catch the biggest and most fish and the effort to honor the youngest angler created a sense of camaraderie among us.

The highlight of my trip, however, was connecting with a group dedicated to ministering to veterans like myself. Their mission resonated deeply with me, as they offered support and understanding to those of us who have served. The peaceful ambiance of the campground and the beauty of the landscape provided the perfect backdrop for reflection and healing.
Overall, my experience was unlike any retreat I have attended before. It was a weekend filled with faith, friendship and community. I left with a renewed spirit and a commitment to return to this annual event, eager to continue my journey alongside those who share a passion for serving Christ and one another.