Texico Conference Holds 42nd Regular Constituency Session

ALBUQUERQUE – The Texico Conference held its 42nd Regular Constituency Session on Sunday, Sep. 18, 2022, at the Albuquerque Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church in Albuquerque, N.M., where delegates met to elect officers for the 2022-2027 quinquennial term. The registration process for this constituency session was developed with a sensitivity to concerns related to the on-going issues of COVID-19; therefore, there was no on-site registration. In attendance were 201 regular delegates and delegates-at-large. The following were elected to serve for the next five years: Lee-Roy Chacon, president; Phil Robertson, executive secretary/treasurer; Michael Jon Cookenmaster, Ed.D., superintendent of education; Antonio Cano, ministerial director; Eric Chavez, youth, young adults and club ministries director.
Upon being reelected as president, Chacon shared comments with the delegates: “Thank you for your confidence. It is always an honor and pleasure to serve the Lord,” said Chacon.
Prior to the opening of the session, the Organizing Committee met to nominate the Nominating Committee and the Constitution & Bylaws Committee to present to the delegates for their approval once the Constituency Meeting was called to order. The morning began with a devotional message from Southwestern Union President Carlos Craig, who challenged the delegates to pause and ask themselves, “What are we doing here?” based on Acts 1:7. Craig encouraged attendees to not let fear, trepidations and agendas keep them from doing the will of God. “Handle the business at hand. Represent the Lord, and the Lord only in all that you do. We must make it clear that we don’t represent each other, churches, ethnic groups or cultures, we represent the Lord in everything that we do, and He holds us responsible for it.”
Delegates voted to accept the El Paso West Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church and Santa Fe Airport Spanish Church into the sisterhood of churches officially changing their status from that of a company to a church. In addition, the Santa Fe Rabbit Road and Rancho Viejo Churches merged to become the Advent Life Seventh-day Adventist Church and the San Angelo English and Spanish churches merged to become the Advent Hope Bilingual Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Video reports from the administration and departments highlighted departmental ministry activities and evangelistic efforts that took place throughout the Texico Conference over the past four years.
Despite the financial challenges throughout the country, Treasurer Phil Robertson reported that the Texico Conference remained in steady and healthy financial condition over the past five years. Robertson reported that the Conference’s working capital increased to 108% of the amount recommended by the North American Division (NAD) and General Conference policies.
Michael Merrifield, General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS) regional manager, presented the auditor’s report, highlighting the excellent work done by the treasury that resulted in a very positive audit opinion. The Texico Conference & Association received an Unmodified Opinion for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 which is the highest opinion that an organization can receive.
Delegates voted to accept changes to the Constitution & Bylaws which included the adjustment that the Texico Conference Constituency Sessions be convened every five years changing the term of service from a quadrennial to a quinquennial term.
Southwestern Union Vice President for Ministries Tony Anobile stated that the presence of the Holy Spirit was felt throughout the day and offered a special prayer of dedication for the officers, the departmental directors, the new executive committee, and for every member of the Texico Conference.
By Debby Marquez, Texico Conference Communication Director