More Compassion Mission Trip

EL PASO, TEX. – In March, the Southwestern Union’s Youth and Young Adult Department brought together young people from across the union for its annual “Living With More Compassion” mission trip within the union territory. This year, they chose to visit El Paso, Texas.

Living with more what? Compassion? You may say, “I’m kind, I’m good, I’m patient, I’m compassionate!” We often say these things just as the rich young ruler told Jesus when he asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” in Mark 10:17-30.
Compassion is defined as “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering” according to
These young volunteers who heeded the call to live more compassionately were able to organize and distribute thousands of pounds of supplies for the homeless in El Paso who have experienced misfortune and unfair struggle. When walking the streets of El Paso, you may not think there is a pandemic of misfortune, but as you enter the area where shelters are common, you soon find out that compassion doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling you experience when you see the amount of need that is there!
During the week, Helvis Moody, Southwestern Union Youth Director, along with Eric Chavez, Texico Conference Youth Director, led out in organizing several outreach opportunities for any young people who wanted to participate. Young people from Southwestern Adventist University came to help lead out in music, worship, and the outreach opportunities. The week consisted of park cleanup, clothing closet organization, visits to the elderly in assisted living centers, and street ministry to the homeless. The Southwestern Union’s Community Service Department, led by Bo and Debra Gendke, also sent a large box truck full of supplies for El Paso churches to share with the community in the future.
Every day of the mission trip ended with worship by a different guest speaker. On Sabbath, Jason North, Southwestern Region Conference executive secretary, shared a powerful message of why we move and serve the less fortunate as Christians. The Sabbath day was also met with more than 150 people volunteering to go on several different missions around El Paso and serve in different capacities.
We ask that you keep the city of El Paso in your prayers. The work of living with more compassion will continue within the Southwestern Union territory.
By Eric Chavez
Texico Conference Youth Director