Father and Son Pool Escapade

WEWOKA, OKLA. – The Oklahoma Conference children’s ministry department held its second annual Father-Son Pool Escapade on Aug. 21, at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center. In this busy world, spending time with our children helps strengthen the relationship between us.
After much hot weather, we anticipated a refreshing time swimming and playing in the pool. However, we woke to rain and cooler temperatures. The leaders worked out a second plan in case we got rained out. Praying that God would clear the weather, we went forward with our plans. As the fathers and sons arrived, sunshine poured from the sky! However, during a special worship by Luis Prieto, Oklahoma Conference Spanish ministries coordinator, and dedication prayer for the special bond between fathers and sons, the clouds parted and the sunshine warmed the air. There were storms all around Wewoka Woods, but our weather was perfect for fun in the sun!
A rousing game of water polo, bellyflops, cannon-ball contests and swim time ensued. At noon we gathered in the lodge for lunch, followed by a Corn hole contest. The smiles on the faces of those attending were a blessing to see.

When times of stress come and Satan tries to put a wedge between us, the bonds of father and son help bridge the gap. The relationship between fathers and their sons points us to the relationship between us and our Heavenly Father: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.” Psalm 103:13. Thank you fathers, for spending time with your sons, and thank you to our Father for allowing us to spend quality time with our children.
By Norma Shepherd