Hispanic Elders Retreat Inspires Service and Worship

WEWOKA, OKLA. – The Hispanic Elders and Families Retreat was an extraordinary experience! Held at Wewoka Woods the weekend of Nov. 8-9, 2024, the event revived families with powerful messages from Ronald Costa, pastor of the Ann Arbor Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church. In addition, seminars and instructions were provided to help improve the elders’ ministry to church members. Attendees heard reports on church operations and discussed ideas for further developing the Hispanic ministry in Oklahoma.
The children of our elders had an unforgettable weekend, participating in classes and the special program, “Go Fish,” which helped them identify and learn how to use their spiritual gifts.

The wives of our elders gathered for sessions on topics such as “The Elder’s Wife—Her Calling and Relationship with God,” during which they earned certifications. It was a blessing to spend time with our sisters who support their husbands in providing wise spiritual leadership to their churches.
Additionally, we launched the project “Mission of the 70,” which encourages church members to dedicate a week of their time this coming May to going two-by-two to preach the gospel across Oklahoma.
We praise God for the privilege of serving Him.