Camp Award Winners

Lake Whitney Ranch received the Norm Middag Award of Excellence for 2017 during the Association of Adventist Camp Professionals (AACP) meeting at Pine Springs Ranch held November 28 to December 3, 2017. "It is an exciting honor to receive this award," said Ken Reiber, Lake Whitney Ranch Director.
Seventh-day Adventist Camps can apply every year, but only a few receive the coveted award which reflects excellence in all areas of the camp. Only seven other camps received this award for 2017. "It is affirmation that we are on the right track with our summer camp programming," Paulo Tenorio, Youth Director, stated. "We made Jesus the central focus for our summer camp mission and He has blessed our efforts."
In January, a Lake Whitney Ranch Operating Committee was formed that meets monthly to assist with camp operations and development. The members are looking at ways for Lake Whitney Ranch to grow in serving the Texas Conference constituency.
By Tamara Michalenko Terry
Associate Communication Director