Lake Whitney Ranch Expanding to Meet Growing Needs

The Texas Conference launched the "$25 in ’25" campaign to support Lake Whitney Ranch development, aiming for full completion by 2030.
February 19, 2025

CLIFTON, TEX. – Did you know that if every household within the Texas Conference were to contribute $25 per month for Lake Whitney Ranch (LWR) development in 2025, we would be able to initiate the next phase of development in 2026? 

With this in mind, we launched the $25 in ’25 campaign to raise funds for LWR development. As Texas Conference President Elton DeMoraes stated in the inaugural campaign video, “We have a vision to see Lake Whitney Ranch fully developed by 2030.”

Already, the improvements made to the ranch are making a difference. Large groups and camporees have enjoyed the four bath-and-shower houses as if they had always been part of the ranch. The 50 RV sites, Saddle Barn and Town Hall offer additional lodging and meeting spaces, as well as spaces for camporee registration and an Adventist Book Center. In addition, the Red Barn provides another meeting space.

The ropes course has also been a welcome addition, providing fun and interactive team building activities as well as offering a great way to get some physical activity.

Adventurer and Pathfinder camporees will be the first to use the new open-air pavilion, which seats 5,000 people. This improvement provides a flat area for camping chairs and eliminates the need for tent rentals.

The LWR operating committee has diligently worked to identify the projects for each phase based on the needs and funds available. It has been exciting to visit LWR and witness the progress being made by both contractors and volunteers. 

There is still time to join the $25 in ’25 campaign to support LWR development. You can contribute each month using a tithe envelope or by marking a gift for Lake Whitney Ranch Development at Alternatively, you can access the online giving page by texting LWRDevelop to 41444. There, you can set up a recurring gift or give a one-time gift of $300.

“Together as one,” let’s partner with Lake Whitney Ranch to be “A Light in the Heart of Texas.”