Arkansas-Louisiana Session

TEXARKANA, TEX. – The 35th Regular Constituency Session of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference was held June 27, 2021, at 9 a.m., at the Texarkana Convention Center in Texarkana, Tex. More than 300 delegate representatives elected officers and directors for the 2021 - 2025 quadrennial session.
The day began with an invocation from John Page, Southwestern Union treasurer, and a welcome from Richard C. Dye, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference president, who then also presented a devotional message. Lanette Bieber, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference prayer coordinator, then led the delegates in a special season of prayer.
The session officially began with the reading of the call and seating of the delegates by Juan Borges, then-executive secretary for the conference. The regular delegate count was 320. Representatives from the Southwestern Union included Carlos J. Craig, president; Stephen Brooks, executive secretary; John Page, treasurer; Helvis C. Moody, youth/young adult director; and Jessica Lozano, communication director.
Twelve new groups, companies and churches were officially added to the conference: East New Orleans Spanish Group; North Fort Smith Group; Jonesboro Spanish Group; Tontitown Group; Eureka Springs Group; Clarksville Karen Church; Havana Spanish Company; Huntsville Spanish Company; Ebenezer Temple Franco-Haitian Church; Lockport Spanish Church; and South Little Rock Spanish Church. The delegates also voted for the dissolution of the Hot Springs Fellowship Church.
The administrative officers presented their official video reports, sharing the many blessings and challenges faced by the conference. Treasurer Rodney Dyke shared that tithe and offering had been down prior to 2020, but that, with God’s blessing, it was up in 2020, even in the midst of the pandemic.
Following the administrator and departmental reports, Roderick Cowley, CPA, CA, General Conference Auditing Service audit manager, shared the Dec. 31, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 audit report for the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference. The conference received an unmodified or “clean opinion,” which is the best opinion review an organization can receive, for all four years.
Delegates discussed proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws for the conference. Delegates voted to adopt some of the proposed changes and refer some back to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Delegates also voted on five goals for the next four years.
Carlos J. Craig, Southwestern Union president, introduced the nominating committee report to the delegates. He thanked the committee for their work. The nominating committee report was read and voted, and the following positions were confirmed:
Officers: President, Richard C. Dye; Secretary, Jeff Villegas; Treasurer, Rodney C. Dyke; Undertreasurer, Roger Driver. Departmental leadership: Planned Giving/Trust Services/Association Secretary, Tony Cash; Communication Director, Frances Alcorn; Education Superintendent, Stephen Burton; Youth Ministries Director. The position of ministerial director was referred to the forthcoming Executive Committee, which was voted in addition to a new Association Board and a new Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
During the session, Juan Borges officially retired and was honored with his wife, Betty, for their years of service to the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference and the Adventist church.
The meeting came to a close just after 4 p.m. The administration thanked the delegates and staff for their work during the day and dismissed the meeting with prayer.
Congratulations to all of the elected personnel and we pray for God’s guidance for those individuals elected to serve the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference for the next four years, their families and their ministry efforts.
By Jessica Lozano
Communication Director