2023 NAD National Educators’ Convention

PHOENIX, ARIZ. – The National Educators’ Convention was held this past Aug. 7-10 in Phoenix, Ariz. Outside temperatures were well over 100, which kept us inside where it was cool. The theme of the convention was “Something Better.” Of the roughly 6,000 people at the convention, the Southwestern Union had more than 330 present. The Southwestern Union also sponsored four students majoring in education at Southwestern Adventist University to attend.

The opening night speaker was Carlton Byrd (pictured left), Southwest Region Conference president, who was very inspiring. He told us that we have a purpose that is creative, comprehensive, customized and connected. Each morning our hearts were prepared for worship by the trio, CYIZA, and they were followed by our devotional speaker, Donnett Blake. The closing and commitment speaker was Alexander Bryant, North American Division (NAD) president. Bryant told us that “God’s Plan + God’s Favor = Something Better.”
The plenary speakers, Mario Acosta, Tina Boogren, Kim Strobel and Robyn Jackson, spoke on different areas of education and trends. On Tuesday night, we had a general session presented by Christian comedian, Phil Calloway.
Between plenary sessions were six different breakout time slots. Educators could choose from a list of nearly 300 presentations to attend.
There was also an exhibit hall that had approximately 150 exhibitors that featured many educational institutions, professional education services and products, NAD services, etc. Educators were able to make their way through the exhibit hall and enjoy all the giveaways and valuable information.
Our educators left the convention feeling inspired and energized, ready to go back and put into practice the things that they had learned.
By Mike Furr
Director of Secondary Education