Taking Jesus to the World: Refocusing Our Mission

Our mission extends beyond bringing people to Jesus—it’s about taking Jesus to the world, using every tool available to reach hearts for the kingdom.
February 19, 2025

In a world hungry for hope, what is our mission? This question often arises but is seldom fully explored. In Family Feud fashion, if we polled 100 of our brethren, we would undoubtedly receive a variety of answers. At the top of the list might be “Preach the Three Angels’ Messages.” Other responses could include “Make disciples of all nations,” “Tell others about the soon coming of Jesus,” or “Bring people to Jesus.” While these answers encapsulate elements of our mission, they only begin to scratch the surface.

Often, we equate inviting someone to church with fulfilling our mission. But what if our purpose extends beyond bringing people to Jesus and includes taking Jesus to the world?

This mission takes many forms. However, many of our members have a local church mindset, struggling to see beyond their immediate community. Effective evangelism engages all five senses, but here’s a crucial question: Can it succeed if the personal touch is removed? How do we define success when measurable outcomes are not tracked by the local congregation?

In the aftermath of COVID-19, these questions take on added significance. The rise of livestreaming has sparked debate among church members. Some argue that livestreaming discourages physical attendance and reduces local financial support. Others highlight the benefits of extending our reach to the homebound, the unchurched and those in remote areas. These contrasting views underscore the need for balance and discernment in leveraging technology for mission work.

Ministry and local evangelism aim to lead new prospects to baptism and active discipleship. However, global ministries like Adventist World Radio have transformed lives in regions where Christians are forbidden. Many who accept Jesus through these efforts may never enter a church building. Does this absolve local congregations of their responsibility?

We need to ask: Should we prioritize church growth or kingdom growth? While both are desirable, the ultimate goal must remain clear—filling the kingdom of heaven.

Technology offers undeniable value in advancing our mission. As we navigate these complexities, let us remain focused on the goal: taking Jesus to the world. By seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can effectively use the tools at our disposal and ensure our mission reflects Christ’s heart and meets the needs of the world.