Cooking School
A series of whole-food, plant-based cooking classes were recently held at the Shreveport First Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The emphasis was on eating foods as whole and as natural as possible, using no oil or refined sugars and a minimal amount of salt.
Food demonstrations were done at each class and the attendees enjoyed tasting new foods or old foods prepared in more healthful ways. Also, several videos were shown to help educate guests about the benefits of eating whole foods. It was enlightening to learn the caloric value of various types of foods and that one could eat all they wanted of fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, and beans and still lose weight and feel better. Chris Simpson led out in the sessions, assisted by Ken Simpson, Brandie and TJ Kolff, Van Oosterwyk, Sherri Cash, and Kathy Farmer.
By David Farmer and Chris Simpson