Louisiana Adventists Bring Relief After Hurricanes

We know that the Lord has asked us to be His hands and feet, and sometimes we aren’t sure just what that means. But if you are involved in Arkansas-Louisiana Adventist Community Services and Disaster Relief (ACS DR) with the director, Lavida Whitson, and its volunteers, you do know what it is like to be God’s hands and feet!
The hurricane season started out with Francine—and just kept everyone busy mopping up and helping to get things back in order. Hurricanes raged around us and up and down the Atlantic coast, but South Louisiana continued to sit in the swamps and people continued to be without water, food and even dry housing.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency asked ACS DR to go further south of the flood gates toward Morgan City, La. The Lockport Spanish and New Orleans Kenner Seventh-day Adventist churches took on the challenge and became distribution sites, helping with mobile deliveries for the southern area. Cleaning supplies, trash bags, brooms, mops, flat-nosed shovels and nonperishable food items were among the items that were donated for the disaster. Food bank supplies and $2,000 from the conference allowed the volunteers to make and deliver more than 500 food boxes. The Master Guides from Southern Louisiana formed a volunteer crew that reached out to those in the disaster area. They delivered linen kits with bedding; personal-care kits with toothbrushes, towels and soaps; and even school kits for the kids, in addition to the food and water that were needed.
Many homes were damaged by the wind making the roofs ripple and then leak. Trees fell down around and on everything. One survivor reported watching as the wind uprooted trees in her yard. She watched and prayed as one big tree fell straight toward her home. She said it seemed to slow and then settled gently on her roof. Although she has some damage, she said it could have been much worse. Angels are still with us to help in times of peril.
As Whitson helped with distribution, she met a woman whose husband had just died. She received supplies to help her and later returned to talk and ask for prayer. People need to know we care, and they respond to our love and support. We are the hands and feet of Jesus! A great big thanks to the Master Guides who are so willing and able to help others. You are a blessing to our whole conference!