We Are Moving!

DALLAS – For over 50 years, the location at 2215 Lanark Avenue, Dallas, Tex. 75203, has served as the home to the Southwest Region Conference office headquarters. While it has served its purpose during this period, in recent years, age, deterioration, decay and non-ADA compliance have compromised the conference’s ability to pursue and facilitate its mission and ministry. On Feb. 22, 2024, history was made as this property was sold! In the immediate future, the conference office will be temporarily housed in leased space as plans are underway to build and secure a new conference office building in harmony with the conference’s initiative, “The Dallas Project.” Individuals present for this historic moment included Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min., conference president; Jason North, conference executive secretary and Philip Palmer, conference treasurer. Please continue to pray for God’s leading and direction, along with sharing your support as we seek to “Move Southwest ‘4’ Ward!” Praise the Lord!