Waco Church Honors Loved Ones
WACO, TEX. – It is sad to hear stories from family and friends who were not allowed to have or attend memorial services for their loved ones because of COVID-19 or other reasons. It’s difficult for some to process closure when that occurs.
The Waco Seventh-day Adventist Church opened its doors on the evening of March 26, 2022, to anyone wanting to participate in a memorial service honoring their loved ones who passed away.
Several brought photos of their loved ones to share with those in attendance. One of the visitors, bottom right, started playing the piano, providing beautiful background music.
Waco church member Steve Mallery welcomed those present and started the service with prayer. Donna Reinke, Claire Boca and Jenny Henriquez, bottom left, also Waco church members, encouraged those in attendance to join them in singing a few meaningful hymns accompanied by our visiting pianist.
District pastor Vanoy Fitch, top right, shared thoughtful words about death, dying and living again when Jesus comes. Waco church member Manuel Henriquez, top left, shared some of his experiences from his work as a hospice chaplain in the Waco area.
At the conclusion of the service, paper hearts with embedded flower seeds were given to all who wanted one to plant and nurture in memory and honor of their deceased loved ones.
Henriquez offered to facilitate a Grief Recovery Seminar for those interested in attending. The program assists those experiencing significant loss (death of family or friends, job loss, health challenges, failed marriage or any event that has taken someone or something of value).
The Lord blessed those who came together and encouraged each other in their grieving process. Hopefully, they left feeling a little more hopeful.
By Joan Bowen