Volunteers at Largest Powwow in North America

ALBUQUERQUE – With an expansive reach across the globe, Seventh-day Adventist churches, entities and members continue to spread the message of Revelation 14 to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, tongue, tribe and people. The Texico Conference is committed to doing its part and recently sponsored an outreach effort at the Gathering of Nations.
Every year on the last weekend of April, Native American tribes from every corner of North America converge in Albuquerque, N.M., to participate in the Gathering of Nations, the largest Powwow event in North America. Tribes include Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Oneida, Dakota, Hopi, Iroquois, Pawnee, Shawnee, Navajo, Acoma and a host of others. Indian dances, a Miss Indian World pageant and an Indian Traders Market are just some of the attractions that take place over the three-day event.
This year, church members from several Texico churches distributed literature by the hundreds to attendees at this massive event. A specially-designed Steps to Christ, in both English and Navajo, was included in the distribution. In addition, DVDs on Bible prophecy, free Bibles and educational literature promoting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health were given away.
Church volunteers also made noteworthy contacts, including talking to the local Veteran Affairs (VA) Chaplain of Albuquerque. He requested and was given a case of The Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy for him to distribute to patients at the VA hospital.

Volunteers included Randy Smith, Reuben Estrada, Robert and Kimone Gardner, Marva Dennis-Drigo, Kristy LaFrance and Josephine Allsop. Each of them interacted lovingly and tactfully with each visitor. They also offered prayers, encouragement and received several Bible Study requests.
Native Americans are traditionally a people with deep spiritual beliefs. Please pray for our Native American friends and neighbors. May the Holy Spirit move powerfully to draw them to Jesus.
By Jerry Pinzon,