Voice of Hope Revival

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. – Voice of Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church (VOH) in Oklahoma City, Okla., began their Summer Evangelistic meeting Aug. 13, 2022, and culminated on Aug. 27. To God be the glory as the church welcomed 49 new members into the fellowship of believers!
Southwestern Union Executive Secretary Stephen Brooks preached soul-stirring messages every night. Terrell McCoy, pastor of the Voice of Hope church, assisted as associate evangelist with visitations, coordinator of nightly programming and baptisms. The church was blessed to have two dedicated Bible workers who faithfully followed up on VOH Bible School students and made contacts in the Oklahoma City Metroplex, inviting and transporting them to the meetings. The VOH ministry teams went the extra mile for the cause of Christ to ensure the success of the meeting.

Classes have begun to continue reinforcing the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with new members and follow up to even more baptisms! It is our joy to nurture our new members and to encourage them to “Go” as Jesus has called us all to teach, and invite others to be a part of the Kingdom of God!
By Beverly McCoy