Voice of Hope Celebrates 100 Years

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Voice of Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated 100 years of ministry in the Oklahoma City metroplex on May 20-21, 2022. Excitement was in the air after a two-year delay due to COVID-19 challenges and restrictions. The theme “Rooted in the Past, Growing In the Future” was chosen to honor the history of the church (known as Beulah, 1920-1957; Tenth Street, 1958-2016 and Voice of Hope, 2016 to present), while stating the commitment to moving forward to proclaim the goodness of Jesus until He returns.
Our celebration began with a Friday evening vesper service, with a message from Alex Horton, Longview Heights senior pastor in Memphis, Tenn., who grew up in the Tenth Street/Voice of Hope church. The anniversary weekend continued on Sabbath morning with Sabbath School, taught by Stephen Brooks, former pastor of Tenth Street/Voice of Hope and current Southwestern Union executive secretary, who also gave the intercessory prayer during divine worship.
Our Sabbath divine worship service was filled with gratitude to God for His goodness throughout the years. The worship experience included family and friends of Voice of Hope, as well as, conference and union workers and officials: Martin Lister, Enid/Lawton, Okla. district pastor; Terrell McCoy, Voice of Hope/North Highland pastor; Carlos Craig, Southwestern Union president; Phillip Palmer, Southwest Region Conference executive treasurer. Local government officials also participated in the celebration through their presence or a proclamation.
The divine worship speaker, Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min., Southwest Region Conference president, brought an inspiring message with an appeal for individuals to come in dedication or rededication to God.
On Sabbath evening, the anniversary celebration culminated with a concert featuring gospel recording artist, Byron Cage, and a vesper message by Eliot Brooks, a beloved son of Voice of Hope. Terrell McCoy brought our memorable weekend to a close with remarks and prayer. Afterwards, light refreshments were served, and many families and friends took pictures at the photo stage to remember the momentous occasion of Voice of Hope that was “Rooted in the Past” and continues “Growing in the Future!” Praise to God for such a blessed day of celebration!
By Patricia Collins and Beverly McCoy