Virtual Training

BURLESON, TEX. – In mid-November 2020, the Southwestern Union held a special, virtual edition of it’s ministries training event, Equipped for Ministries, which is normally held at various locations within the territory throughout the year with hundreds in attendance.
According to Elton DeMoraes, vice president for church ministries and men’s ministries and stewardship director, this virtual edition was planned in order to provide training while in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We also wanted to focus in on an aspect of ministry that has become vital in the past year: the practice of using virtual and online platforms to supplement already-vibrant ministries, or to help people start brand new ministries using these platforms,” said DeMoraes.
Nearly 500 people registered and learned from live presentations with Mark Finley, Carlton Byrd and Luis Goncalves, alongside more than 30 presenters who are experts in their various fields of ministry as well as active and successful practitioners of online and digital media.
“While we plan to host in-person training as soon as we are able, these digital platforms have proven to be useful tools in the hands of our members as they continue to share the gospel with their communities.,” said DeMoraes.
More Equipped for Ministries virtual and in-person events are planned for 2021. For the latest events and information, visit