Using Podcasts to Share Faith and Hope

Did you know that, according to the Pew Research Center, 37 percent of Americans, 104 million people, listen to podcasts each month? The growing use of smart technology, such as smart speakers, has helped the growth of this audience, and Nielsen data shows that podcast audiences are becoming more diverse, and so are their interests. Podcasts about kids and family rank number one among women, with religion and spirituality in fifth place. Top genres amongst all listeners are health and fitness, education, and kids and family.
Seventh-day Adventist members and ministries are tapping into this knowledge to create content that asks big questions about life and God, and provides a new avenue for reaching people. Below are three podcasts created by Southwestern Union members. Are you sharing your faith in creative ways using technology? Share with us! We’d like to hear from you:

Sabbath School Rescue
Sabbath School Rescue is a weekly podcast with Michael W. Campbell and Buster Swoopes, Jr. over the Sabbath School lesson. The “Campbell Swoopes” duo are religion teachers at Southwestern Adventist University who have lively dialogue as they dig deeper into each week’s lesson.

Central SDA Podcast
Oklahoma City Central Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Walter Martinez hosts “conversations, thoughts and prayers for life-change,” interviewing church members in thought-provoking sessions, sharing inspiration, testimony, and fellowship.

Rediscovering Humanity
Isai Ramirez and Josh Ruiz, pastors in the Texico Conference, tackle questions of purpose in this podcast, asking, “Are humans nothing more than intricate biological organisms or are they relational and purposeful beings?” Join Isai, Josh, and guests, as they dive into these deep questions.
Look for Rediscovering Humanity on Apple, Google, and Spotify.
By Record Staff