Unbreakable: Bilingual El Centinela Distributed Throughout Texas

ALVARADO, TEX. – The September 2023 bilingual issue of El Centinela, part of the special issues created in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month by Pacific Press Publishing Association in Nampa, Idaho, continues to impact Texas and beyond.
This unique bilingual issue, titled “Inquebrantables” or “Unbreakable,” was designed to share inspiring stories with bilingual non-Adventist families. Each copy, with articles in Spanish and English includes an invitation for Bible studies.
The magazine featured 20 conversion stories from the Texas Conference, including two from Texas Conference pastors, who wrote their own experiences.
A video playlist on Inquebrantables.blog shares these and other video testimonies. The landing page also includes Bible studies and a church locator. It is a beautiful website to share with family, friends and neighbors.
More than 120,000 magazines were distributed in Texas, with almost 500,000 distributed throughout the North American Division.
Many church members, including those from Houston Spanish Spring Branch Seventh-day Adventist Church (who distributed more than 27,000 copies), were instrumental in sharing this magazine throughout Texas.
An online event held on the first Sabbath of September initiated the magazine’s distribution. You can view the programming on YouTube.com/@HispanosTXC.
By Ismael Castillo
Vice President for Hispanic Ministries
& Spanish Evangelism