Train Up a Child

BURLESON, TEX. – The Southwestern Union invites all children’s ministries leaders to attend its sixth annual children’s ministries training and retreat on March 12-14, 2021, “Train Up a Child” at Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian, Tex. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all event attendees and staff will follow CDC guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety.
The event begins on Friday, March 12, with a fellowship and worship session. On Sabbath, attendees will be inspired by devotionals and will meditate on the Word of God together. Afterward, seminars will be presented, as well as certification for Track 6: Ministering to Families, of the North American Division’s Certification for Children’s Ministries. On Saturday evening, there will be a celebration with food, games and prizes to let our leaders know how much we value them. On Sunday, March 14, our attendees will be provided with several resources and ideas for doing Vacation Bible School in their church during the summer. The Adventist Book Center and AdventSource will be onsite to show attendees the resources that are available.
Early bird registration of $109 opens Dec. 10 through Feb. 10. Regular registration of $129 will begin Feb. 11 and close March 5. If it is necessary to transition to a virtual event due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the registration fee will be 100 percent refunded if the attendee decides not to attend, or it will be reduced if they will be attending the virtual event. To register, please visit
By Sonia Canó
Children’s Ministries Director