Thunder Island: Where Jesus Is Always with Me

BATON ROUGE, LA. – At the Thunder Island Vacation Bible School (VBS), organized by the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church and Faith Seventh-day Adventist Church, children learned that God is with them, even through storms.
After each evening’s opening program, volunteers led students to five excursion stations. At “Cascade Waterfall,” reenacted Bible stories demonstrated God’s healing power. The children were then led to the “Scuba Shack” prayer station followed by a visit to “Sandcastle Crafts” to create colorful ocean paraphernalia.
When it was time to wind down at “Turtle Cove,” the children hastened outdoors to learn more about God. Games in the debriefing taught the children messages of Jesus’ love and love for each other. The last stop was the “Coconut Café” snack station.
On Sabbath, the worship service consisted of VBS’s graduation and children’s church, during which Cheryl Moore, an elder at the Berean church, applauded director Nyieda Pearson for her coordination of the program.
The morning’s speaker was 18-year-old VBS volunteer Gabrielle Jones. Speaking of the children who attended, Jones addressed the adults in the congregation. “VBS was an awesome experience for them as they learned how Christ truly loves them,” she said. “Matthew 18:2-5 speaks volumes about our responsibility to God’s little ones; truly our most precious commodity. The excursion to Thunder Island did its part by introducing our children to Jesus; now it’s our turn to do our part. Let’s assure them that Jesus is always there to listen to them through prayer, and longs for a personal relationship with them.”