The Most Wonderful Gift

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV).
This verse serves as an annual reminder that the world is not as it should be. God is redeeming and restoring it. He, and only He, is the true reason for the season.
Have you ever thought that if you empty the spiritual meaning of CHRISTmas, you’re left with triviality? This seems to be a common cultural narrative of our time. Somehow something so prolific, historical and important was traded for something shallow and insignificant.
As Christians, we celebrate the Savior, the Incarnation. However, when our focus is on snowmen and flying reindeer, we do the world a disservice. These take away from the importance of the season and transfer it to something secular.
Can you imagine having a baby in a stable surrounded by animals instead of family? Do you think Joseph and Mary were concerned for the baby being born in such conditions? Here they were delivering the Son of God. I would not have imagined that is how He would have been born.
Yet, in the middle of this situation, in the middle of circumstances that were anything but ideal or what they had imagined or hoped, God showed up. In the middle of this calamity and chaos, God showed up. And He is still showing up today.
As you’re heading into the holiday season, you may be feeling your circumstances are less than ideal, like Mary and Joseph’s. You may be surrounded by chaos. Life may not be how you imagined it to be or how you wanted it to go.
When you are feeling overwhelmed, remember, God still shows up. When our lives seem out of control, when things are not going as we want, when situations are not working out like we hoped or what we imagined, God shows up!
God’s redemption and restoration began in Bethlehem and continues today as God shows up for us when things start to spiral. What a wonderful gift!
May you accept His gift knowing He is right there with you surrounding you with His everlasting love, wanting to give you peace in whatever situation you find yourself. Will you let Him show up for you today?
By Elton DeMoraes, D.Min.