The Malachi Challenge

CLAREMORE, OKLA. – Brian and Rachael Goad are members of the Claremore Seventh-day Adventist Church who were introduced to “The Malachi Tithe Challenge” while living in Arizona. The Arizona Conference made a bold promise that if members tithed faithfully for 90 days and didn’t experience God’s blessing, they would receive a full refund.
Rachael was nervous about taking this tithe challenge. With three young kids in Christian schools, finances were always tight. “I was a stay-at-home mom,” she said. “My husband worked 40-plus hours a week.” But the couple felt led to take a step in faith and do the 90-day challenge.
The family experienced four main blessings after being faithful with their tithes. The first was that there was always enough food to feed their family. Second, Brian received a pay raise. The third unexpected blessing was that donors helped cover the children’s tuition. God provided for all their needs because of their belief in Him and their willingness to show their trust in a tangible way.
But Rachael says that the best part of this challenge is their fourth blessing: she and Brian could hear God speaking to them—not only on how to provide for their family, but also how to intercede for others!
Brian and Rachael wanted to help a friend financially who had lost her husband. They felt like God was telling them to help, and when they prayed and talked about it, they realized they had the same amount in mind to donate. So, they helped their friend anonymously, just to show her that God loved her and she wasn’t alone. The Goads believe that God always helps, especially when things are tough. This tithing challenge experience showed them that their belief was true.
By Rachael Goad & Ashley Alipoon