Texico Pathfinder Camporee 2023 – Believe, Trust, Go!

CANYON, TEX. – The day was set, reservations were made and Pathfinders were excited! Pathfinder Camporee 2023 in Palo Duro Canyon State Park came and went as quickly as any other well-planned event with approximately 270 attendees. Our clubs have experienced significant growth over the past year, and we are deeply grateful to our dedicated leaders who stepped up to take on the challenging role of club leadership. We are immensely thankful for our growth, and even more so for our leaders who believe that their young people are worth every effort.

At Palo Duro Canyon, 11 of our 25 clubs were present. Many attendees had never heard of Palo Duro Canyon, the second-largest canyon in the USA, but they left with a sense of awe. The weekend was scorching, with the Sabbath afternoon ground temperature reaching a staggering 133 degrees. The park temporarily closed hiking and requested everyone to stay in the shade and keep cool. We gladly complied and enjoyed completing honors out of the sun.
Master Guides from Amarillo, Lubbock and San Angelo led various honors such as wood carving, cats, animal tracking, cactus studies and many more. Our Pathfinders also managed to complete a 6.5-mile hike to the famous Lighthouse Formation deep in the canyon. It was a breathtaking sight to witness nearly several hundred Pathfinders hiking together. There were heartwarming stories of Pathfinders helping weary hikers who were unprepared for the hike, offering water, cold rags and liquid hydration blocks to those who were overheated and exhausted. It was a testament to the spirit of service among our young people, without any adult prompting.
The weekend was made even more special by the presence of Raul Alvarez, who shared his personal testimony of escaping Cuba and finding his place in Texas, where the Lord had plans for him even before he knew it. Alvarez called upon young people to believe, trust and know that God is with them. He did not disappoint in allowing the Lord to speak through him.
We are immensely blessed and excited about the growth of Texico Club Ministries, and we look forward to what the Lord will continue to do. At the core of our success are leaders and young people who seek to know Jesus more deeply.
By Eric Chavez
Youth, Young Adults and Club Ministries Director