Texico Conference Welcomes New Pastors 2023

CORRALES, N.M. – It is with great pleasure that we welcome and introduce Tobin Savage and Joslen Lache as the newest pastors of the Texico Conference. Savage recently began serving the Grants, Pie Town, Crown Point, Gallup All Nations and Reserve Seventh-day Adventist churches. Meanwhile, Lache was welcomed to the Albuquerque North Valley, Albuquerque La Roca and Bloomfield Spanish Seventh-day Adventist churches in January.
“We are thrilled to welcome these dynamic pastors into the Texico pastoral family,” said Texico Conference President Lee-Roy Chacon. “They both bring different skills, talents and lived experiences to their positions. We have no doubt that God will continue to use them in His service.”
Savage has a diverse and seasoned background. He has pastored several churches, taught at Holbrook Indian School for several years and worked as an electrician/instrument technician for the Chevron Pipeline Company. Most recently, he served two churches in the Rocky Mountain Conference and is working on completing his master’s degree. Savage has a passion for building relationships, teaching, outreach and finding creative ideas for evangelism. His wife Rebekah, is a special education teacher who is also active in Sabbath school and women’s ministries activities. She is an invaluable support and resource to Savage’s ministry.
Lache is a graduate of Southern Adventist University. Upon graduating he moved to the Carolina Conference as a district pastor and associate volunteer lay pastor director for Hispanic ministries. Lache is the first to serve as an associate pastor in a Spanish district in the Texico Conference.
Lache is happily married to Ana Lache. Both were born on the island of Cuba and grew up in New Jersey and Florida respectively. They have been married and serving together in ministry for almost two years and, in 2022, God brought a wonderful addition to their lives through the birth of their daughter, Angelina Lucia. Joslen and Ana work as a team and they share a deep passion to help those who struggle in our society. Through their music and street outreach they want to connect with those in need of God so they may know that Jesus is accepting of all.
The Texico Conference is also excited to welcome back Ricardo Castro who recently completed his Master of Divinity degree at Andrews University. Castro will be serving a Central New Mexico church district and will be pastoring the Belen, Los Lunas, Socorro and Truth or Consequences churches.
“After a wonderful time at the Seminary, my family and I are glad to be back in the Texico Conference!” said Castro. “We are so privileged to work under such loving and wise leadership and look forward to being a blessing in our new district. We appreciate and welcome all prayers in this great undertaking for God’s glory.”
The Texico Conference is grateful that God led Savage, Lache and Castro to our territory, and we anticipate the great blessings that God will bestow through their ministry.
By Debby Márquez
Communication Director