Tea Among Friends

ARLINGTON, TEX. – What an amazing idea for evangelism! Women, in general, love camaraderie. Every woman enjoys coming together laughing, hugging, sharing, dressing up and sipping tea among friends. No need to mention the thrill of elegance, flowers and fragrance. Women love making friends and sharing the love of Jesus, which is a stupendous way to make new, long-lasting friendships.
The Southwest Region Conference women’s ministries department successfully introduced “Tea Among Friends,” an evangelistic training initiative on Jan. 14, 2023, at the Ebenezer Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Arlington, Tex. The presenters were Leslie Soupet, assistant pastor of the Ebenezer church; Nilda Diep, Texas Conference women’s ministries Spanish coordinator; and Anysia Archibald, Southwest Region Conference women’s ministries coordinator.
On Jan. 21, 2023, the department conducted a second evangelistic training at the Central Regional Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Tex. The presenters were Nora Rosa-Paez, Southwest Region Conference ministerial spouses association treasurer; Patricia Rangel, North Central Texas Spanish women’s ministries district leader; Montserrat Varona, Houston Bay Area Spanish women’s ministries district leader; and Anysia Archibald.
The women decorated each location elegantly with flowers, teapots, teacups and an array of tea flavors and delicate treats. All attendees actively participated in the training, which included Ellen G. White’s inspirational thoughts, how to engage “together in mission,” secrets to making decisions, steps to accept Jesus as your personal Savior, helpful biblical texts and so much more.

The training included information on personal etiquette and the history of tea. It also gave everyone the tools to succeed and bring a friend to Jesus. We finalized the training by providing each women’s ministries leader with the necessary resources to begin training at their respective church.
Women’s ministries is committed to evangelism in 2023 through “Tea Among Friends!” We are making friends, reaching hearts and touching lives. We know and understand there will be no crown without stars in Heaven! The women of the Southwest Region Conference say, “Yes, Lord, We Will Go” to the question: “Whom shall I send?” By God’s grace, we are moving with determination. Training in English throughout the conference territory is happening now through July 30. Visit TeaAmongFriends2023.eventbrite.com to learn more.
By Nora Rosa-Paez