SWAU Senior Presents Revelation of Hope Series

KEENE, TEX. – Abigail Minett, 21, spent May 31 to June 9, 2023, presenting an Amazing Prophecies series called “Revelation of Hope.” She shared Bible truth with community and church members in the chapel of the Keene Seventh-day Church in Keene, Tex. Minett is a senior theology major across the street at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) and a pastoral intern on the Keene church staff. As Minett worked to present the series, fulfilling the requirements for her summer field evangelism class, the Holy Spirit worked too. Each night Minett revealed Jesus to an average of 40 attendees, most attending each evening for the entirety of the series.
Minett is no stranger to pastoral work, she grew up as a pastor’s kid. Then she attended Jefferson Christian Academy in Jefferson, Tex., where she had the opportunity to participate in an evangelism training event for young people called Glad Reapers. “During that event, I learned how to connect with others and do basic evangelism,” explained Minett. “This past year at SWAU, I took Biblical Preaching 1 and 2, which gave me the tools I needed for future preaching engagements.” Minett spent about six hours preparing each evening’s lecture, and then she put all her preaching training into practice.

“Pastor Abbi Minett presented Spirit-filled messages of hope from the pages of Scripture,” said Michael Gibson, Keene church senior pastor. “She thoughtfully walked through how we can trust scripture as our guide and what steps we can take to further our relationships with Jesus.” Several church members and visitors told Gibson how encouraged they were by the messages.
During her high school experience, Minett admits becoming jaded by the fearmongering way pastors presented prophecy. “In preparing for this series, I focused on allowing Jesus to be the center of it all, and for everything to point to Him. I think this was healing for me,” she said. “One of my favorite experiences was when someone approached me and told me they were a fifth-generation Adventist, and they had never, in their almost 80 years of life, heard these messages being presented without the fear factor. I believe that this is what I’m called to do, to bring balance and Christ-centeredness into places where it has historically been legalistic,” she explained.
“As a result of the meetings, four people made decisions to follow Jesus and be baptized,” reported Gibson. “We didn’t know what to expect going in, but the Holy Spirit had been working on hearts long before we started. I thank God for His use of Minett, and I’m thankful for her faithfulness and dedication in taking on the task of presenting a series of meetings. I’m sure we’ll continue to see the fruit of this series in the months to come. God is still at work in the heart of our community,” he said.
“The baptisms that came as a result of these meetings will forever have an impact on me as well,” Minett said.
Minett is passionate about sharing God’s law in a grace-filled way. If you are looking for a young, willing and mature-beyond-her-years speaker for your next evangelistic event, consider contacting her at
By Michelle Bergmann
Photos by Jorge Velez