Summer Camp is Awesome!

Your 100-Words Summer Camp Contest
February 27, 2019

Horseback riding, wakeboarding, water skiing, swimming, basketball, soccer, mountain biking, crafts, cooking, outdoor activities, learning more about Jesus and worshiping with new friends-there is no doubt summer camp is awesome! We asked a few summer camp experts to share their awesome experiences in exactly 100 words. Check out what they had to say!

Why go to Summer Camp when I can sleep, and play video games at home? Some of my most memorable experiences happened at camp. I was 9 years old when I ent to my first summer camp at Camp Cedar Falls in California. I still remember that was the week I made 65 free throws in a row in basketball class. I remember riding a horse for the first time and the first time my counselor prayed for me. One thing is for sure, I remember those times a lot more than the times I slept and played video games.

By David Craig, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference Youth Director | Camp Yorktown Bay

We once had a camper who was having a rough time adjusting to camp life and following counselor’s instructions. The camper’s behavior became so challenging that we discussed the possibility of sending him home early. However, something awesome happened after we talked with him. The camper apologized and resolved to behave and have a great time at camp! Afterwards he would come let me know he was having a good time and listening to the counselors. He had been sent home from other camps and activities before, but he was now extremely proud of his achievement and loved summer camp!

By Tyrone Douglas, Southwest Region Conference Youth Director | Lone Star Camp

Summer camp is more than just fun, friends and food. It’s about finding Jesus, focusing on His love and fueling your life with hope! Today more than ever, kids and teens just need to escape and retreat for a minute and take advantage of this opportunity to unplug. We see our encounters at summer camp with young people as divine appointments, an opportunity to make an eternal impact on lives that are fragile and sometimes fragmented. I am excited about the work God will do through the faithful, far-reaching commitment of our fabulous camp staff and leaders this coming summer.

By Daniel Ortega, Oklahoma Conference Youth Director | Wewoka Woods

I realized how powerful summer camp ministry can be and how it impacts the lives of children and teens the first time I baptized someone at camp. A whole week preaching to them in the middle of nature, where every activity emphasizes Jesus, and with staff who are great role models is one-on-one mentorship at it’s best! Summer camp helps campers learn to connect with Jesus directly. We do it through personal Bible reading and prayer journaling every morning and evening. Summer camp is not just about one week. It impacts the rest of the year and even a lifetime.

By Paulo Tenorio, Texas Conference Youth Director | Lake Whitney Ranch

Your 100-Words Summer Camp Contest

Summer camp offers so many great activities and things to learn. Campers make awesome memories making new friends and getting to know Jesus better in a completely different setting. For this year’s annual Southwestern Union Record summer camp contest you get the chance to share why you think summer camp is awesome! If you have never been to summer camp before, no problem! You get to share why you think going to summer camp would be awesome!

How to Enter:

  1. Write exactly 100 words describing why you think summer camp is awesome.
  2. Then include the following contact information: name, age, gender, phone number, email address and conference name.
  3. Submit your entry by April 5 by email at

Parents can definitely help kids type up the words and email entries, but submissions should be created by each child. Winners will be notified individually by May and will be announced in the July/August issue of the Record.