Southwestern Union Supports Pohnpei Mission

BURLESON, TEX. – In February of 2023, a team from the Southwestern Union made its way to the Federal State of Micronesia for its third mission trip to the island of Pohnpei as part of the ongoing partnership in which all nine unions in the North American Division (NAD) support the Adventist Christian School of Guam – Micronesian Mission. The team consisted of Stephen Brooks, executive secretary; Mike Furr, director of secondary education; Renee Whiting, associate director of education and Kennetia Brooks, the wife of Brooks and an independent leadership speaker.
The team had a full schedule while on the island with the assistance of Franky Edwards, principal of the Kolonia Seventh-day Adventist School, and Walter John, the district pastor. Brooks, Furr and Whiting were the school’s week of prayer speakers.
The school of approximately 400 students was divided into three groups based on their classes for the school week of prayer. Brooks spoke to the middle school and high school classes, Whiting spoke to the upper elementary classes and Furr spoke to the younger elementary classes. By the week’s end, several raised their hands for Bible studies, which were followed up on by the school’s Bible instructor.
Brooks also conducted a public evangelism series at the Kolonia Seventh-day Adventist Church, entitled the “Fruit of the Spirit Bible Revival.” The Lord blessed with 15 souls being added through baptism. Praise God!
Two missionary teachers from the school presented VBS with crafts, songs and games surrounding the theme. One of the teachers even played her ukulele as they led the children in song. The children who attended VBS were richly blessed and were able to demonstrate what they had learned.
Both Furr and Whiting also trained the missionary schoolteachers and local teachers under the leadership of both Edwards and Vice Principal Latan Edwards. They also received special training from Whiting on identifying and supporting children with ADHD. The missionary teachers came from Sri Lanka, the Philippines, the United States and many other countries, and it was evident during the trip how much they cared for the well-being of their students.
Kennetia Brooks joined the team in focusing on education by providing several leadership seminars to students at the College of Micronesia. Then, through the invitation and planning of the school’s administrative team, she provided an afternoon leadership class to the high school student body leadership. On the final Sabbath afternoon, Kennetia joined Maureen Edwards, the women’s ministries leader, to provide a seminar and share items provided by the NAD women’s ministries department, which was specially sent for this trip.

The people in Pohnpei blessed the Southwestern Union team with their sincere kindness, support and the sharing of their wonderful musical talents.
God blessed the efforts of the entire team. Being a vessel for use by God was a humbling personal reward for the team members, just as those on the island expressed being blessed with spiritual and educational growth by their visit.
By Stephen Brooks
Executive Secretary