Southwestern Union Pathfinder Bible Experience

KEENE, TEX. – The annual Southwestern Union Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) was held March 26, 2022 at Southwestern Adventist University with about 300 Pathfinders and leaders. There were 24 PBE teams from four of the five conferences in our union that participated. Twenty one teams met in person and three met virtually.
We enjoyed a wonderful day praising the Lord together and studying the books of I Kings and Ruth. Many teams have been memorizing these two books of the Bible along with the Bible Commentary theme sections for a year in preparation for this gathering Fifteen teams advanced to the North American Division level which was held in Eugene, Ore. in April.
Pathfinder Bible Experience began with a worship experience where three Pathfinders gave testimonials on how studying the Bible has been a blessing to them. There were different Pathfinders who prayed in different languages and others participated throughout the entire program. Southwestern Union Executive Secretary Stephen Brooks preached the good news and Treasuer John Page gave a prayer of dedication over all the Pathfinders. President Carlos Craig and Aimee Clapp, Southwest area coordinator for the Texico Conference, participated as readers for the quiz questions. The judges were leaders from all four of the Conferences. We are grateful for everyone’s participation.

As we look back over what the Pathfinders have accomplished, we cannot overlook all the hard work of the coaches, parents and the leaders who work with the Pathfinders. We praise God for all of you. We are excited about the 15 teams who are moving on to the next level, but we are encouraging all Pathfinders to continue studying the Bible, and growing in Jesus Christ so that when He comes, we all will be saved.
By Helvis C. Moody
Young Adult and Youth Director,
and W. Gene Clapp
NAD PBE Coordinator