Southwestern Union Elementary Math Institute

DALLAS – On July 16-18, around 100 educators participated in the Southwestern Union Elementary Math Institute at North Dallas Adventist Academy. The focus was on creating a vision for mathematics within the context of the Education by Design Framework. John Almarode, Ph.D., a bestselling author and an associate professor of education at James Madison University, kicked off the Institute on day one. He laid the foundation for implementing what works best in the mathematics classroom. Almarode’s engaging presentation style and wealth of knowledge kept pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade educators’ interest.
A backward design process framed the activities on the second and third days. Educators dived deeper into three components of standards-based learning applied to mathematics: 1. Identify desired results. (What do I want students to know and be able to do?), 2. Determine assessment evidence. (How do I check what they have learned?) and 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction. (Which activities will lead students to the desired results?)
Helvis Moody, Southwestern Union young adult/youth ministries director, set the tone each morning with an inspiring devotional. He challenged each educator to be the best they can be as they prepare learners for eternity.
An eight-hour challenge on days two and three further engaged the group as they worked to earn Wheel of Fortune spins by completing a variety of activities from vocabulary games to collaborative projects.
At the beginning of day two, educators were ushered into the meeting room through a cloud of smoke while the theme from Rocky blared. Subsequently, everyone joined in, playing a song on their kazoos as they began the eight-hour challenge.
The office of education is focused on creating school cultures that are vision-driven and collaborative in nature, with integrated systems of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
By Carol Campbell, Ph.D.
Vice President for Education