South Louisiana Teen Prayer Conference

SLIDELL, LA. – Over 30 young people met together on Jan. 21, 2023 at the Slidell Seventh-day Adventist Church to experience “The Great Escape”. This was the theme for the Teen Prayer Conference this year, which was metaphorical for our escape—from sin and from Satan. The day began with Sabbath school by Lanette Bieber and continued with the main message of the day delivered by the Southwest Region Conference Superintendent of Education Buford Griffith III. Griffith told of his many escapes from problems that the devil devises to snare us into believing that God has abandoned us.
His inspirational talk was a highlight leading us into working through the “escape rooms” in the afternoon. The worship service was followed by lunch, then on to the “escape rooms.”
Three different “escape rooms" were set up for this experience. The young people were divided into groups of 10 and each group got to go through two different rooms. They had to finish the process within an hour, and they all managed to get out safely, some with just a few minutes to spare. The prize at the end was the teen devotional book by Charles Mills, Into the Wild.
When asked what had the greatest impact on them, the young people responded that the speaker was fantastic, and the “escape rooms” had a powerful effect. The world needs more young prayer warriors joining together in teams like these, dedicated to overcoming the wicked one and escaping from the snares of this world!
The Slidell ladies served up a delightful supper of haystacks for a wonderful day of learning about the many ways that the Lord provides us “a way of escape” as we journey through life.
By Frances Alcorn
Communication Director