Sign Up for the President’s Text Message

ALVARADO, TEX. – With almost 67,000 members, 354 congregations and 22 schools, a lot happens in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. As the Texas Conference continues to grow, so do our communication methods. You can find departments, ministries, news and events on the website ( and our social channels (TexasAdventist and HispanosTXC). Streaming options are available on our Facebook and YouTube channels. The TXSDA App, created at the beginning of 2023, provided another way to connect and stream.
Wanting a way to connect directly with Texas Conference members, the Texas Conference President now sends a short weekly text message to those who subscribe.
It’s easy and free to subscribe. Simply text the words TexasNews to 51555 to be added to his list. You will receive encouragement and Texas Conference event updates.
Together As One, we are working to share the Gospel throughout Texas and around the world. We look forward to connecting with you.
By Tamara Michalenko Terry
Associate Director for Communication & Public Relations