Seasons of Grace Evangelism Effort in Texas City

TEXAS CITY, TEX. – In a spiritual endeavor that brought hearts closer to the divine, the Southwest Region Conference women’s ministries department recently sponsored an evangelistic crusade at the Mainland Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as congregants gathered in fervent prayer, seeking a deeper connection with their faith. Led by the women’s ministries director, Anysia Archibald; Bible workers; local pastor Rolando Baysa; elders and dedicated volunteers, the event offered a platform for spiritual introspection and renewal. Through uplifting sermons by Donnett M. Blake, testimonies from Bible workers and worship sessions, attendees were encouraged to explore the transformative power of faith.
As the event unfolded, the message of redemption and salvation resonated profoundly with those in attendance. Many felt a stirring in their hearts, prompting them to reevaluate their relationship with God and embrace the call to discipleship. For some, it was a moment of awakening, a realization of the profound love and grace extended to them.
The highlight of the event came during the baptismal ceremony, where 19 individuals publicly professed their faith and embraced baptism. In addition, there was also a baby dedication. Surrounded by their newfound spiritual family, each baptism symbolizes a journey of surrender and rebirth, a testament to the transformative power of God’s love.
In a world fraught with uncertainty, this evangelistic event stood as a beacon of hope, and a reminder of God’s grace illuminating the path to spiritual fulfillment and eternal salvation. Through the grace of God and the tireless efforts of dedicated believers, lives were transformed, and souls were saved.
By Anysia Archibald
Women’s Ministries Director