Sabbath School is Alive!

August 14, 2024

Only about 30 percent of Seventh-day Adventists attend Sabbath School. You might think that statistics would discourage someone whose task it is to equip Sabbath School teachers, superintendents and secretaries. But you would be wrong.

“People keep saying that Sabbath School is dying,” says Sonia Canó, Southwestern Union’s Sabbath School director. “No, it’s not dying. It’s alive. It’s very alive. We study the Word of God, and the Word of God is life.”

In fact, Canó’s primary concern is that anyone not attending is missing out. “They’re missing this golden opportunity to grow as Christians,” she says, emphasizing that Sabbath School is much more than the lesson. It’s also about mission and discipleship.

Ellen G. White says, “The Sabbath School should be one of the greatest instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ.”

“Sabbath School is the Word of God in action,” says Canó, “because the Word of God produces something in your heart and your mind. Then, as a group, Sabbath School produces something in your class.” The fruit Sabbath School classes produce is seen in the money members raise for missions, outreach programs the group initiates and support members provide for each other. “In Sabbath School, we are a family,” says Canó. “We care for each other. We pray for each other. We study together.”

Sabbath School plays an important role in Canó's family.  Her  husband is an adult Sabbath School teacher, and Canó has taught all levels from Beginner (formerly called Cradle Roll) through adult. The Canós have four adult children and one baby granddaughter. “I don’t care what her mama and papa say, she’s perfect!” Canó says. Canó’s granddaughter was born just in time to experience all of the levels of the new Alive in Jesus Sabbath School lessons, which will begin being introduced to Sabbath Schools in 2025. “The focus is more on family,” Canó says of the lessons produced by the General Conference, “how families together can study the lessons.”

The schedule for releasing lessons is as follows: 2025 Babies and Beginner; 2026 Kindergarten and Primary; 2027 Junior and Teen and 2028 Youth. To learn more, visit

No matter what curriculum is being used, the key for success in any Sabbath School class is having teachers who have responded to God’s call to lead their class. Canó feels honored to be able to help these teachers reach their highest calling by working with conference Sabbath School directors in providing training and resources to help these teachers succeed in their mission. When Sabbath School leaders, superintendents and secretaries attend training events, they learn different ways to study the Bible in preparation for teaching, discover different tools for teaching, understand how adults learn and prepare to minister to Sabbath School class members.

“You represent the Good Shepherd,” Canó tells teachers, “because you’re the shepherd of the class.”

By Lori Futcher, Record Managing Editor