Roswell Designates Sabbaths for Children and Youth

ROSWELL, N.M. – “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6.
On April 30, children and youth from the Roswell English Seventh-day Adventist Church officiated the Sabbath morning service.
“We believe it is vital to keep our children and youth involved,” said First Elder Tom Jordan. “After all, they are the future of not only our local church but also the worldwide church.”

Among those who participated were; Waylon Hamill, 3; Zethly Torres, 14; Elizabeth Chavez, 15; Abimael Jimenez, 12; Sarai Olague, 10; Nathaniel Talavera 10; and Benjamin Keeling, 13, who led song service and provided a special music. The kids and teens did the scripture reading and performed a skit based on John 6:1-14, “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand”. They enlisted help from some parents and even Angel Talavera, 9, who was injured and on crutches, was happy to participate. The kids and teens encouraged participation from the audience, and they also shared lessons they had learned from their skit.
Moving forward, the Roswell church has designated every fifth Sabbath, on months that have them, as children and youth Sabbaths. The goal is to encourage their participation and remind them of their importance in the church.