Priorities of Faith

HOUSTON – What a delight it was to participate in the Southwest Region Women’s Ministries’ presentation of 10 Days of Prayer! After long, hectic days at work, fighting traffic, shopping, cleaning, taking care of children, preparing meals and many other stressful tasks, we carved out some time to sit down and share some sacred time with other godly women in prayer. What an oasis it was to our souls!
Every night we enjoyed inspiring devotionals presented by various women in our conference. Grandmothers, doctors, teachers, wives, mothers and friends brought to us truths from God’s Word that reminded us to soar as eagles, to be kind, to rest, to deny ourselves, to declutter, to have faith, to remember that we are women of God. Each night a different dynamic moderator guided us through the devotional activities and inspired us to cherish reverence and gratitude. And then there was the beautiful music that was sprinkled through each service—songs of praise, thanksgiving and worship. And everything was expertly engineered on Zoom by Leslie Soupet.
The highlight and focus of every service was prayer. The prayers were heavy with power and praise. They were open, honest and authentic. The women called out to God spontaneously whenever the Holy Spirit moved someone. This sincere engagement in the service was open to all, and everyone felt the refreshing showers of the Spirit of God wash over them, night after night.
Our Southwest Region Conference Women’s Ministries Director Anysia Archibald and her team were responsible for this beautiful, much-needed respite from the stresses of daily life. Their hard work was evident in the music, engineering, animated moderators and powerful speakers. Archibald began each service with words of sincere welcome, and she ended each service with words of encouragement. May these wonderful devotions during the 10 Days of Prayer inspire us to make 2024 a year of breakthrough prayer!
By Adrienne McClain