Preach Jesus

KEENE, TEX. – “I feel a calling from God to be active with everything I’m learning on my journey with Him, and to share that love through service,” shares Christopher Findley, Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) theology major.
While attending SWAU, Findley has served as religious vice president for the student association, worked with small groups for Spiritual Life and Development and led in the school’s canvassing program. His passion for preaching led him to create and launch AdventPreaching, an online platform with a mission to train and equip others on how to effectively share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Findley and his team have begun conducting seminars and workshops to their global audience, consistently growing their network of pastors and elders—which currently stands at over 1,200. “It all boils down to this: Preach Jesus,” Findley says. “The goal of every single sermon we preach should be to introduce, abide with and surrender to Christ.”
Findley points out that AdventPreaching is especially helpful in places where pastors may serve many churches. Online training resources, such as AdventPreaching, open doors for anyone to learn how to share the gospel through effective biblical preaching. “God has placed this on my heart and I’m very passionate about it. It brings me life and joy to follow where He’s led.”
It wasn’t always that way. At 19, living in Brooklyn, N.Y., Findley felt God tugging at his heart and, like Jonah, he ran. The siren call of earthly riches and success was more enticing, but he soon realized they weren’t fulfilling. When his younger brother died in a motorcycle accident when Findley was 25, it changed his life.
Findley hopes to gain experience as a pastor. Long-term, he feels God calling him to dedicate his life to training and equipping leaders worldwide to effectively preach the gospel.
“The least I can do for the Somebody who saved a nobody like me is share Him with the world and help others do the same,” he says. “Our church is filled with young people with ideas and talent,” he says. “God is pouring out His spirit and we must not wait for someone to tell us how to serve God. The time is now and God will lead the way.”
By Becky St. Clair