Prayer and Transformation at Albuquerque Heights

ALBUQUERQUE – The Albuquerque Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church was filled with praise early in the morning of Thursday, March 21, as members shared testimonies of blessings received during their 21 Days of Prayer and Spiritual Revival.
For three weeks prior, congregants studied the book Steps to Personal Revival by Helmut Haubeil and gathered early each morning to draw closer to God, to transition from “carnal” to “spiritual” Christians and unite under the banner of Christ.
Many of the church members expressed passionate sentiments, saying “may we become a house of prayer and may we become a unified front for the Lord to use to evangelize our town.”
Although the official end of the 21 Days of Prayer was marked that morning by a praise service and fellowship breakfast, it signaled the beginning of something more meaningful. The blessings experienced during those weeks sparked a spiritual revival and lasting change in the church. More prayer time was incorporated, and a weekly Thursday evening prayer group was established. Now, members gather regularly to pray for the church’s needs, specific requests and for the evangelism of Albuquerque.
If you find yourself struggling in your faith, feeling disconnected or still entangled in worldly pleasures, take heart! Do not despair or be dismayed! Jesus is calling you.
By Julia Lewis