Pathfinders and Master Guides Celebrate in Little Rock

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – June 10, 2023, was a high Sabbath for the “Cheetahs” of South Little Rock Spanish Church. The Pathfinders and Master Guides celebrated their anticipated investiture. Six Pathfinders were invested and ready to go to their next level of preparation; six Master Guides were also prepared to serve as leaders for God, the church, their clubs and the community. The program was filled with joy and excellent performance. During Sabbath School, all attendees were given a unique soap that had been made by the Cheetahs as part of an honor. Armando Miranda, Jr. from the North American Division (NAD) was the guest speaker. Also participating was Brenda Perez, Master Guide coordinator for the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference and Gloria Gamas, Central Area Pathfinder assistant coordinator.

Miranda invited the congregation to study the life of Jesus’ disciples, their qualities and their flaws. In spite of their flaws, these men were chosen to be his leaders. Miranda challenged us to follow Christ no matter what. “The Holy Spirit will guide us to keep going until we reach the perfection in Jesus.”

On Sunday morning, Master Guides from the area and surrounding states joined the Cheetahs in a camping trip on the Buffalo River sponsored by the North American Division Youth Department for the Master Guides. The group spent two days canoeing about 30 miles and camping out, enjoying spending evenings together, sharing food and sleeping under the stars. The Master Guides were thrilled with the beauty of the place and the magnificence of God’s power and love for His children.
By Brenda Perez