Passionate Urgency and Unquenchable Hope

Our belief in the Second Coming has implications on how we live our daily lives. First, you and I are to live with passionate urgency. Do those words describe your thoughts about the Second Coming?
In Mark 13:34, Jesus says, “It’s like a man going away: He leaves His house and puts His servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.” Jesus repeatedly urges us to stay alert and awake, warning us against drifting and missing our opportunity to serve. That tells me that each one of us has a crucial part in God’s plan.
When I became the Texas Conference president three years ago, I wrote “urgency” on a Post-it note in my office to remind myself of this truth. Together as one, we can work, rest, pray, serve, love and worship, giving our all to the Master’s work until He returns.
Do you ever stop to think about how you only have one life to live, one life to grow, love God and serve Him? Do you think He is pleased with how we are taking care of the life He has given us?
Each one of us has resources, gifts and finances on loan from the Master, and this is our opportunity to invest them for His kingdom. Life is not about carrying a crushing burden, but celebrating God’s goodness, telling the truth, facing problems with courage and speaking love. Serving God is a joyous celebration.
The second implication of Jesus’ return is the blessed hope. We should live with unquenchable hope, regardless of life’s challenges. The New Testament contains 300 references to Jesus’ return, providing hope and encouraging perseverance. Our future doesn’t depend on us, circumstances or fate. When Jesus returns, everything will be set right.
The Bible uses various images to convey the wonder of eternity. One powerful image is that of Jesus claiming His church the way a groom claims His beloved bride. Revelation 19:7 shares “Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.”
Almost to the end of the Bible, in Revelation 21:2, John tells us, “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”
Many people enjoy watching the groom’s face as he sees His bride coming. At the Second Coming, we will see God himself, face-to-face. Being a wise groom, He will say, “This is the moment I longed for since before you were born. Enter now into eternal life, eternal joy, eternal love.”
I encourage you to live with passionate urgency and unquenchable hope, knowing that your life matters. Now is the time to love, invest and proclaim the gospel. Embrace the urgency and hope of Jesus’ return and let it guide your life.