Oxford Handbook

KEENE, TEX. – The Oxford University Press (OUP) has accepted a proposal for an Oxford Handbook on Seventh-day Adventism, which will be led by faculty from several institutions, primarily from Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) and Andrews University (AU).
The book will be written by Adventist and non-Adventist scholars and will address various topics, including the history of Adventism, Adventist theology, organization, and approach to culture, ethics and politics. Each chapter will provide scholarly and historical overviews, footnotes and further suggested readings.
Michael W. Campbell, professor of religion at SWAU, is a lead editor. “This work will appear in academic libraries around the world. It will be the starting point for scholars, students and others, perhaps unfamiliar with Adventism, to learn about the Adventist Church,” he says.

“The Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism provides a unique opportunity to establish an authoritative reference work on the Adventist Church that is intended for the general public,” says Ella Simmons, general vice president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The editorial team includes Denis Kaiser, assistant professor of church history at the Adventist Theological Seminary; Christie Chui-Shan Chow, faculty at City Seminary of New York and educational missionary to China; Nicholas P. Miller, professor of church history at Adventist Theological Seminary; and David F. Holland, professor of New England church history at Harvard University.
By Tim Kosaka and Gillian Panigot