Not Just a Dream But An Assured Hope

As we look forward to the Second Coming, we live in a state of perpetual readiness, balancing the routines of daily life with the anticipation of divine fulfillment.
October 7, 2024

Christ’s Second Coming is a beacon of hope for believers, promising a conclusion to the story of salvation. In this doctrine, we find the very essence of Christian faith and hope. 

This belief, deeply embedded in our identity, heralds a time when the dead in Christ will be resurrected and, along with the living remnant, will be made immortal and ascend to heaven. As we look forward to the Second Coming, we live in a state of perpetual readiness, balancing the routines of daily life with the anticipation of divine fulfillment (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

We’re challenged to remain constantly ready for Christ’s Second Coming, a readiness that entails more than just merely passive waiting. To stay prepared, we’re encouraged to cultivate a spiritual journey with God through prayer, Bible study, community worship and witnessing. These spiritual practices help to align our values and actions with the teachings of Christ and reflect the hope of His return (Titus 2:11-14).

Readiness means living out the principles we see in Jesus’ life. By doing acts of service, promoting peace and advocating for the marginalized, we embody the life-changing power of the Gospel. These acts prepare us for the Second Coming and also contribute to the awareness of God’s kingdom here and now (Matthew 25:31-46).

The perception of Jesus’ return as imminent, despite the passage of generations, remains a powerful aspect of our belief. This proximity isn't measured in human time but in the urgency with which we are called to live. Christ’s soon coming serves as a reminder of the transient nature of earthly life and the eternal importance of preparedness (2 Peter 3:8-14). 

This concept encourages a perspective that transcends the length of our wait, focusing instead on the aspect of readiness. We are living in God’s eternal now, where every moment is an opportunity to experience and reveal the love of Christ. We recognize the present reality of God’s kingdom while anticipating its future fulfillment.

The emphasis on Christ’s advent in our Church's name highlights the central position this belief holds in our identity. It reflects a unified commitment to the promise of Christ’s return, shaping our movement’s mission, values and practices. This focus serves as a unifying force, binding us together in a shared hope and purpose.

In an uncertain world, the assurance of Christ’s return offers an anchor for our faith as we view our lives through the lens of God’s plan of redemption.

Christ’s return isn’t just a dream, but an assured hope. This key aspect of our faith demands readiness, shapes identity and transcends generations. As Christians navigate today’s challenges, the promise of Christ’s return guides us toward a future of eternal joy. Jesus’ promise to us is, “Yes, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:20).

By Osvaldo Rigacci, Vice President for Multicultural Ministries