North Valley Church Celebrates 35 Years in the Ministry

ALBUQUERQUE – For the last three and a half decades, God has blessed the Albuquerque North Valley Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in big moments and many small victories. Last December, the church set aside a weekend to celebrate 35 years of God’s faithful blessings to North Valley church. Founding members, new members and old friends joined the festivities that included a time to reflect and rejoice in all that God has done in, and through, the North Valley church family.
“Throughout the past 35 years, our church has witnessed God’s love, grace and mercy through His care and direction,” said Saul Flores, North Valley church pastor. “And we understand that the best is still yet to come!”

Albuquerque North Valley’s history dates back to 1987. A small group of visionaries stepped out to expand the Adventist mission work among Hispanics in Albuquerque and planted a church in the North Valley neighborhood. At the time, there was only one Spanish church in Albuquerque. Since then, North Valley has been serving the Hispanic community through its many activities including evangelistic series, feeding the homeless, youth programs and giving Bible studies. Several years ago, North Valley purchased a new church building and now resides on the northeast side of Albuquerque.
The two-day celebration centered on Psalm 115:1, “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Southwestern Adventist University Professor of Theology Jorge Rico,Ph.D., and former pastor of North Valley, addressed the congregation on Sabbath morning. He congratulated the church and encouraged them to forge ahead.
“I would like to leave you with a challenge,” said Rico. “What do you want North Valley to be? Do you want this church to be full simply because it is a historic monument here in Albuquerque? Or do you want this church to be full because it is a church with a ministry that offers life through Jesus Christ? May God continue to bless and direct you. May you continue to have the same push and fervor that I saw while I served here, and have seen while visiting, may it continue until Jesus returns.”
Gerardo André, a recently baptized member of North Valley shared his testimony and thanked God and the pioneers of the church.
“Without them none of us would be sitting here this morning,” said André. “And without them or the pastors who have served, I wouldn’t be here saved. I come from a life of hardships that includes alcohol and partying. However, because of God’s grace I am standing here today. God’s timing is always perfect, and it is a privilege to belong to this church and to be a part of this 35th celebration. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms.”

“It is truly a joy to reflect on God’s continued blessings to this very special church family,” said Phil Robertson, Texico Conference executive secretary/treasurer. “Your passion for sharing Jesus with everyone is an inspiration to all of us and we praise God for your dedication to its mission. Even in light of the wonderful blessings that you have experienced, I believe that the best days of ministry and growth are still ahead.”
By Debby Marquez
Communication Director