Monticello Church Services Six Neighboring Counties

MONTICELLO, ARK. – The Monticello Seventh-day Adventist Church is in Drew County. The church is surrounded by six counties without any other Adventist churches, and since 2019, Bible study leads have kept church members working in all six counties. On most Sabbaths, members go out in several directions to reach these requests.
Working with Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible School, the Monticello church had its first graduate from the Bible School in Sept. 2019 and another 60 in 2022. This year, they set up a Bible school table at the local fair and had two people sign up for Bible studies. Two more have signed up during the local evangelistic meetings. As this year wrapped up, they had 16 graduates for 2023 from the Bible school.

Along with the Bible school, the church conducted the following four evangelistic meetings. In September, Alfred Jones led out “In Times Like These.” Roy Robinson presented “The Appearing” in March and “The Pale Horse Rides” in May. Arkansas-Louisiana Conference Education Superintendent Tim Kripps presented “Shadow Empire” as the last meeting for the year.
The Monticello church is looking forward to the start of 2024 when they will begin another cycle of evangelism with Voice of Prophecy’s “Upheaval.” With the total member involvement approach, this small church is hoping to continue to spread the message of Jesus’ soon coming to their neighbors in Monticello and surrounding counties.
By Debra Bush