Midland Church Celebrates

MIDLAND, TEX. – The Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church had several reasons to celebrate in 2018. On Oct. 20, Texico Conference and other church leaders participated in a mortgage note burning ceremony during the Sabbath morning worship service. “It was a special and joyous day for the Midland church,” said Abner Razon, church pastor. “We celebrated the Lord's goodness and provision.”
Nearly two years ago, the Midland church still owed $240,000 for their church building. However, members diligently looked for resources and committed themselves to liquidating the loan. On June 22, the Midland church made its last mortgage payment and paid off the loan eight years early.
The Midland church also welcomed seven new members. In September, Kyler Simpson, Jacey Simpson, Kisely Lawrence, Kinsey Lawrence, Araceli Bocanegra and Kori Escandon were baptized after receiving Bible studies by Razon. Lucas Wayne Speer was accepted by profession of faith. “It has been a joy to see these individuals take their stand for the Lord and give their lives fully to Jesus through baptism,” said Razon.
The Midland church is thankful for the baptisms and for the generosity of those who sacrificed and contributed towards the outstanding debt. In 2019, the church plans to focus its attention and resources on evangelism. “Our priority now is to work and spread the three angels’ message in our community and bring more souls to Christ,” said Razon.
By Debbie Márquez, Communication Director