Lubbock Young Adult Ministries Aims Connect

LUBBOCK, TEX. – For quite some time, the Young Adult Ministries (YAMs) team of the Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist Church has been working to connect with other Adventist congregations in Texas. The group, which is mostly composed of college students, set a goal to visit at least two churches during a school semester, and lead worship services. This has given birth to the YAMs outreach program. So far, the YAMs group has visited churches in Odessa, Big Spring and most recently, Midland.
Initially, the YAMs group’s intent was to only work with other young adults. However, it quickly became apparent that their outreach was blessing others. During their most recent visit to the Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church, they met with many members of the congregation. They jointly participated in Sabbath School and conducted the divine worship service. For that, Emi Garcia, Laura Garcia and Jenifer Lima lead out in praise while Ubani Ikonne, Azriel Burda and Nikki Marpa provided musical accompaniment. Jared Sauceda did the scripture reading, and Luke Hamel presented the morning’s message. Following the service, they ate together as a community.
“It was such a blessing to have this fantastic opportunity and to have been able to host a service for our brothers and sisters,” said YAMs member, Christopher Marpa. “We look forward to doing it again.”
The Lubbock YAMs group is happy for the success they have had in their efforts and look forward to continuing establishing connections with other congregations.
“We are very proud of the work that each individual member has contributed to making sure each visit has been, and will continue to be, a positive experience for those around us,” said Marpa.